Don't Trash the 'Nati

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I'm enjoying Cincinnati, but the honeymoon has worn off with Ohio. Yeah, that's right can kiss my ass.

In order to obtain an Ohio drivers license...and register to vote here...I was required to take a written test. I failed. I failed because the stupid state of Ohio requires that I know what percentage of light must be able to pass through a car's tinted windows. I don't have tinted windows, and I think they are I DON'T CARE. I failed because I didn't know the age somebody must be in order to ride in the bed of a pick-up truck. I don't have a pick-up truck...and frankly, I don't think anybody should be riding in the bed of a pick-up truck. Quick, what is the speed limit in an alley? (The answer isn't "slow") See...Ohio really blows.

I am still waiting to hear back from the Girl Scout Council. My interview went really well, and I left thinking that I had it in the bag. So why am I still waiting on day 8, and why can't I get rid of this nagging feeling that I am going to be unemployed forever?

In happy news: I live a few blocks away from a store that sells gold and they specifically have a sign advertising "Gold Teeth $13.99." Damn, that's a good price.


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