Don't Trash the 'Nati

Saturday, September 23, 2006

There have been many news reports today that Osama bin Laden may or may not be dead. I believe that CNN's headline was "Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?" I find it annoying that these 24 hour news stations are in such a frenzy to break a story that they spend all day repeating the same non-story over and over. I mean, there's no news if there is no confirmation. Are they going to begin a daily who's-still-alive report now? "Our top story today is that Condoleeza Rice is still alive today. She had a bowl of oatmeal and a banana for breakfast. In other news, Dick Cheney may or may not be dead. Haven't heard from him in a while..."

So IF Osama is dead I think it's pretty good timing...for the Republicans. I'm curious to see how the Republicans are going to spin his death as a victory for them. How will they link his (possible) death from typhoid to our military operation enduring freedom?

In completely unrelated news I am terribly excited about going to Disneyland on Wednesday. I feel like a cross between an 8 year old gleefully anticipating Disneyland and a drill sergeant plotting out our attack plan. First we hit Space Mountain and the Matterhorn then we need to get on Splash Mountain before a brief lunch in New Orleans Square. After lunch it's the Mad Hatters Tea Party and the Flying Dumbos. Wait...the Mad Hatters Tea Party isn't a good idea after lunch, is it?


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