Don't Trash the 'Nati

Friday, October 13, 2006

Yesterday, 15 minutes before I was to leave for the day my Boss, my boss' boss, the accountant and the development director called me into their office to "talk." I knew this would be bad when they didn't tell me what it was about.

We didn't get the Ohio Department of Health grant for the next two years. So.....there is not enough money for my job. However, they assured me that they would do everything that they could to find alternate funding sources before...oh...the end of October. Combined with my job not being funded by the United Way this year I'm contemplating looking for work elsewhere. (By elsewhere I mean out of Cincinnati) I love it, but I can't feel strung along like this for too much longer. I'm going to apply for Teach for America and the Peace Corps for next year. I've considered both for a while and I think it's time.

When I got home from work yesterday I found a very sick little kitten. She was stilly lovey and cuddly and playful but she had lost control of her bowels and there was bits of poop in all of her favorite sitting spots. Poor little thing tried to make it to the litter box but she just missed. I made a vet appointment for today and kept my finger crossed that she'd be okay until then.

Stella has two problems according to the vet, she isn't adjusting well to the food and she has an upper respiratory virus (a cold). So I got some eye drops for her and instructions to feed her turkey baby food. (The human kind) Stella was so very cute at the vet, at first she was all lovey with the vet and rubbing against her but once the vet brough out the eyedrops and the anal thermometer all bets were off, they are no longer friends.

Now she is feeling much much better and I can tell because she is going freaking ape-shit. She is acting possessed, flinging her body across the room to claw into my legs. She is attacking a scarf that Todd's mom sent to me and a string of mardi gras beads. It's kind of strange, I thought she was playful before but this is nothing!

She's been great about sleeping through the night, curled up between us but I have a feeling that tonight she'll be attacking my eyes in my sleep. I think I like a sick kitten better.


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