Don't Trash the 'Nati

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Guns don't kill people....Vice Presidents on quail hunting trips kill people.

Okay, actually, they don't kill people, they just shoot them in the face.

This is probably the greatest news story ever. In case you didn't hear and you just crawled out from under your rock to read my blog, Dick Cheney was quail hunting (seriously, who hunts quail?) and he shot his friend in the face. At first I thought that Dick Cheney was shot in the face, but this is sooo much better. If Dick was shot, then he might gain some sympathy and support. Since he was the one doing the shooting, he might just have to admit that guns are dangerous and accidents can happen to anybody. Therefore, maybe, just maybe, those gun control proponents were on to something. You can respect guns and be careful with guns until you are blue in the face, but the bottom line is that they are dangerous. I hope he gets sued or something. Could that be considered criminal negligence or something?

I don't really feel bad for the guy who was shot. He's rich, he can buy a new face. Try e-bay.


At 1:58 PM , Blogger Todd said...

Uh oh, I just found out Whittington had a heart attack as a result of the bird pellet attack. If this man dies, and if life were a Law & Order episode, you'd better believe Sam "Loose Cannon" Waterson would be pressing manslaughter 2 charges, regardless of the political consequences. Because Sam Waterson is that kind of moral man.

At 4:09 PM , Blogger Pot and Lid said...

dude. check out the daily show online if you did not catch it last night. i laughed until i cried.


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