Don't Trash the 'Nati

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Cincinnatians are wild about Halloween. Since September I have been seeing Orange and Black decorations everywhere! Perhaps it is just because the Bengals (football team) colors are Orange and Black. I prefer to think that it is enthusiasm for Halloween.

This weekend Todd and I went to see The Prestige which I would suggest only seeing if you are an idiot and like it when movies treat you like an idiot. I guess in theory it's a fine movie but I found the "twist" quite obvious within about 30 minutes. And the movie was about 2 1/2 hours long. So that's a long time to know the twist...and wait for it...wait for it...wait for it....

David Bowie played the part of Tesla, the crazy scientist. That was probably the best part of the movie.

Oh, and the death scene at the end. The FUCKING DEATH SCENE. I think I groaned out loud. it lasted like 15 mintues. Believe me, if I was shot in the gut I wouldn't spend the last 15 minutes of my life explaining the most obvious shit in the universe. Don't worry, they explain every last bit in the end. Everything. They explain everything.

AHHHHH! I was so annoyed by the end of the movie.

Tonight we are going to a haunted house. I'll probably pee my pants again. I hate being startled.


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