Don't Trash the 'Nati

Sunday, October 15, 2006

My uncle works for an airline and occasionally stumbles across some things that people leave on the planes. He turns them into lost and found but if they are not claimed then he gets to keep them. He found an iPod this way. He also found a book filled with CD's this way. He knew that my car was broken into and so he gave me the CD's. Considering my obscure music taste there was quite a bit of good music in the case. Of course, plenty of it sucked (James Blunt and Mighty Mighty Bosstones) as well so I am finding good homes for those CD's on and trading them for CD's that I actually want.

If you are not familiar with the lala website, you should be. It's a great way to get rid of music you don't like anymore and get some new music you want to try out. Each trade is only $1.75.

So if you want to join, please leave me a message with your e-mail address so I can refer you and get a free t-shirt!


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