Don't Trash the 'Nati

Thursday, December 29, 2005

I pretty much got everything I wanted for Christmas, the only exception being this ring I have been coveting on E-bay. Hey, I knew I wasn't going to get it, but there was a tiny part of me that hoped maybe, just maybe it would be in the jewelry box that I received as a gift. Sigh. It wasn't.

I can still admire it from afar.

I should have asked for more, I got everything on my list! I know the point of Christmas isn't a big gimme grab, I really appreciate how generous everybody was with Todd and I. We got tons of kitchen stuff which will make cooking easier and more fun. I think we got 6 oven mitts. (eek!) 2 garlic presses, three corkscrews/bottle openers. (Anybody need an oven mitt, garlic press or bottle opener?) I have so many new knitting needles and patterns, now all I need is some yarn so I can start working on some projects! I got two robes and two pairs of pajamas, so I am set to brave the frigid Cincinnati winter ahead. I got two purses, one huge tote for lugging my crap to work and a smaller daintier one I picked out myself after exchanging a totally extravagant Coach Wristlet which was so very kind even though I would probably rarely use it. I am really excited to try out the fun board game from Todd's parents and I've already started reading the book Persepolis from Dana. I can't wait to try cooking on the new skillet from Todd's 'rents and the luggage gift made packing back up much easier.

Anyway, I am overwhelmed with Holiday Cheer right now and as I unpack all my loot I am realizing how lucky I am to have people in my life who want to spoil me.

Of course the best gift of all was the job offer. I am so excited; I can't sleep. Tomorrow will be my last day temping and I am thrilled to leave them. Suckas! The best thing is that I get a few more days of vacation before starting my job, and after that I am going to get this magical thing known as paid vacation time. I have heard of this mythical wonder and I can only hope that it is as wonderful as I have dreamed. Here's to getting rid of credit card debt in 2006!


At 10:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why all this talk of antique diamond eBay rings, hmm? Was an Ugly Doll not enough for your extravagent tastes? Next year it's myrrh or nada for you, my dear.

At 11:35 AM , Blogger Dana K said...

I'm glad you had such a nice Xmas and that we got a chance to see you while you were in town. BTW, K has spent the last few days watching the Simpsons DVD in its entirety!


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