Don't Trash the 'Nati

Thursday, December 08, 2005

It's 1:30pm and schools are already announcing that they will be closed tomorrow. The radio stations are telling people to stock up on milk, bread and canned food. The salt trucks have been "pre-treating" the roads since Tuesday. The top news story Wednesday night on the 6:00 news was the blizzard heading our way tonight (Thursday). Oh my gosh! How much snow is Cincinnati in for, I wonder?

9 inches?

12 inches?

An ice storm? This is how the city of Cincinnati reacts when they are expecting 2-5 inches of snow.

What a bunch of whiney wimps.

In Michigan we don't call that a blizzard, we call that Thursday. Do you remember the snow banks taller than your head? That was worthy of stocking up on canned goods and a school closing, but 2-5 inches!?! Thank you Michigan, for making me a stronger person. Thank you for making me brave during the threat of a mere dusting of snow. While people in Cinci are stocking up on creamed corn and powdered milk, getting ready to hunker down for the long haul known as winter, I am going to cautiously drive where I need to go. While Cincinnatians will cry if their shoes get wet from snow, I have my waterproofed Ugg boots that will keep my feet toasty even when the outside temperature reaches 40 below zero.

I am way too prepared for Cincinnati winters. I wonder if I will turn soft if I live here too long. Perhaps Minnesota will be too harsh after spending a few years here in Cincinnati.


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