Don't Trash the 'Nati

Monday, November 20, 2006

As you may know, I am a member of, my latest addiction. You can participate in the many message boards there. On one particularly mature thread you are supposed to rate the musical tastes of the person who posts before you on a scale from 1-10. I usually don't take it very seriously because I know that my musical taste rocks and anybody who disagrees obviously has sucky taste in music. However, I was rated 2/10 by one user which is actually kinder than most people are. I looked at this guys musical charts to see what he listens to and I was surprised at the hilarity of the names of the bands he listens to. I mean, he is like a goth caricature of himself. Here are some of the band names:
Morbid Angel
Black Witchery
My Dying Bride
Shape of Despair
Destroyer 666 (with an umlaut over the "o" in Destroyer)
Anorexia Nervosa
In Flames
Hate Eternal

I mean, really! How can you be THAT much of a caricature of an angry goth kid. I actually find it funny that there are that many bands with such a wide range of gory names. Do you suppose that the lead singer of Bloodbath is going home for Thanksgiving this year to a proud grandma?

While I was looking at these bands I found another band of note called "Anal Cunt." Their industrial music is way too heavy for my taste but I am particularly fond of their song titles like:
I Lit Your Baby On Fire
I noticed that you're gay
You look divorced
Recycling is Gay
Jack Kevorkian is Cool
311 Sucks
I ate your horse
Big pants, bigger loser

Classy, Anal Cunt, classy. I bet your dad is so proud of you.


At 5:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG. The posts in "rate the above users music taste" is so funny and a little bit scary. Thank you for answering my Future Bible Heroes/The 6ths question, I´m trying to get a grip of Stephen Merritts side projects. LOVE the pictures of your cat with photos on it! Do you have a thing for swedish pop?

At 5:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i meant stephin of course.

At 8:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chupalo mona culia taquilla anday puro webiando tortillera albina
pato yañez pa voh y ven hacerme un pete ....Apuesto que escuchay puras weas wecas mientras tu aguelo te revienta le orto y le day el beso negro al gato


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