Don't Trash the 'Nati

Monday, February 26, 2007

This weekend I finally got around to seeing season 2 of Project Runway and it was great! I rented it from the sucky blockbuster down the street, but they didn't have the final disc so I have yet to see the finale. I think I heard thay Chole wins, so it's already ruined for me. I've heard great things about season 2 and it lived up to all expectations. I think they needed more Tim Gunn - I remembered Season 1 seemed to have more Tim Gunn. I am also convinced that the producers kept Santino around just for ratings. He really really sucked - and HOW did he not get voted out on the last challenge with the gold pirate costume?!!?

I wonder if season 3 is out of DVD yet?

So...Oscars, yay! I thought Abigail Breslin was so adorable but Todd and I were betting on how many years before she is a drug addict. I think she'll be in rehab before she's 17.

I'm happy that Jennifer Hudson won - I'm such a sucker for those rags to riches stories. (Perhaps that is why I like the Olympics so much.) I worry that she'll be too typecast and won't ever be able to break out of the role she played in Dreamgirls. Alan Arkin's win was a pleasant surprise, Todd was pulling for Little Miss Sunshine in any category it was nominated for.

I'm annoyed that The Departed won for best picture, but to be fair, I don't really think any of the nominees should have won. They were all kind of unmemorable. (But I didn't even see them all, I just saw The Queen, Little Miss Sunshine and Letters From Iwo Jima.) I did enjoy Little Miss Sunshine, but we all know it had no chance. I guess I'm just sick of these gorey macho action/suspence movies. Seriously. Hollywood. STOP IT!

Let's see some women nominated for Best Director next year.


At 6:09 PM , Blogger amy said...

keeping santino around was nowhere near as much of a travesty as keeping wendy around in season 1.


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