Don't Trash the 'Nati

Friday, February 09, 2007

Through the magic of the internet I was able to look up my wedding registry and imagine my surprise to learn that many items have already been purchased for me!!! We're getting a toaster! Whoohoo! I never thought I would be this excited about a toaster.

I've fallen ill for the second time in a month. The one bad thing about being sick is that walking to work in the below zero wind chills is not very much fun. I usually like the biting cold weather, but it hasn't been much fun this week. I am beginning to feel better, though.

I got a haircut tonight in preparation for my interview next week. I just want it to be over, I'm spending so much time fretting over it. I have to give a 5 minute lesson. After spending hours and hours I decided on a 7th grade lesson plan about the checks and balances of the American government. I think I have a good interactive activity. Now I just need to practice so I make sure I don't go over the 5 minutes!

Todd and I have been trying to determine where we should go on our honeymoon. We were really sold on Belize, but the resort we liked is a bit out of our price range. Now we are looking at the Mayan Riviera in Mexico or maybe even some kind of trip to Quebec. (Quebec City or Montreal or both.) I'm sure we will have a lovely time no matter where we go. It just feels like a big decision.


At 10:29 PM , Blogger Anne said...

Good luck at your interview! Don't freak out too much about the lesson. No matter what, they're going to ask you in your personal interview how you would change/improve the lesson. That's where you can make up for it if it wasn't perfect. They don't expect you to be an amazing teacher right away (just, you know, after a month and a half of training).

I want to know who is interviewing you-- they send all the program directors from different regions. If Dane Martinez happens to be your interviewer, he is awesome, mostly because he's my PD.

What are your other regional choices?

At 2:56 PM , Blogger Dana K said...

You are going to blow them away! You could not have come up w/ a beter lesson if you had an ed degree. Can't wait to hear how it went.

Anne is right, being "reflective" is a big thing in education rt now.

BTW, you can start checking my blog again- I am going to be updating on a regular basis(honest!)

At 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh, isn't it cheating to look and see what you're getting before the wedding. now opening the gifts won't be fun at all.



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