Don't Trash the 'Nati

Friday, August 19, 2005

I joined a bookclub filled with strangers I met on the internet.

We met for the first time yesterday, and guess what...they are *not* creepy, conservative, and/or religious zealots!

One of them is starting a masters program at University of Cincinnati in Women's Studies. One of them just moved from SanFrancisco where she worked for an Asian-American politician involvement non-profit. One of them has a masters degree in Math. One of them was born and raised in Canada. One of them is adopting a seven year old girl this month.

I am so excited!

I went to a temp agency today where I was essentially hired on the spot. I am going in on Wednesday for a more thorough interview about where I should be placed. While I was at the temp agency I got a phone call from "Premier Services Sports Manufacturing" for a phone interview. Granted, these are not things I really, truly *want* to be doing, but I learned from my book club that it is okay to have a "for now" job. Money is money and you can meet cool people anywhere.

Todd and I walked around our street this afternoon and bought cupcakes at the cake bakery for Todd's Mom's birthday today. We also visited the fabric/bead shop. We bought his mom some gifts from the cute artsy store down the way and talked with the owner for about 45 minutes. We met a police officer who told us that they were working overtime patrolling Main Street. We ate at the Courtyard Cafe, and it was lovely, and as we were leaving we saw a man run out of a thrift store and chase a woman down the street who was stealing something. All in all, it was quite an eventful day!

Todd's parents are coming to visit us today. We are going to go to a restaurant which serves "fine Scottish cuisine" for dinner! Cincinnati has everything!


At 7:46 PM , Blogger Ashley said...

Hey Kim glad you're getting to make some new friends. If you get a chance you should check out Jenni's live journal and see what happened at the bench this weekend. It's very entertaining!


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