Don't Trash the 'Nati

Friday, December 30, 2005

I couldn't sleep tonight so I have been perusing blogs and such. I stumbled upon the blog of a certain Jennifer L. Lamb. I haven't seen her or interacted with her since I my last days at the old Cobblers Bench and I am so happy to not have to work with her anymore. You see, she likes to think she is this easy-going, new wave, progressive hipster but really she is extremely rude, stuck up and hasn't gotten over her issues of being picked on in High School.

In any case, sometime in September she posted this big long entry about me alluding to some strange idea that I am hogging all the feminism. Then she proceeded to say why I am more oppressed than I will ever know because I like things like squishy mattresses and matching towels. Interesting. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I have never been somebody who judges another person's form of feminism.

Hello, my name is Kim and I really really like Bed Bath and Beyond. In fact, the last time I was there I squealed with delight as I touched the flatware and the egg beaters. I think that I actually skipped over to the kitchen maid mixers. I guess that just means I am oppressed. Never mind that I am going to begin working as a sexual assault community educator. Never mind that I want to go to grad school to get a M.A. in Women's Studies and a J.D. so I can specialize in Women's Rights Law. Martha Stewart has brainwashed me with her evil web of deception into thinking that baking and knitting can be enjoyable creative outlets. I can't possibly understand feminism and oppression with that kind of brainwashing.

Yeah, so perhaps I need to get over her attitude towards me just like she needs to get over being picked on in high school. She really likes to insult you where it really stings, like the time she told Shawna that she wasn't going to listen to her ideas about relationships because she "owns a house with her boyfriend" and since Shawna did not, her ideas weren't valid enough. Or the time Shawna sincerely invited her to her birthday celebration and she responded by saying "I have absolutely no desire to be there." Insulting me as a feminist is a low blow for lack of a better cliche.

I certainly hope she is reading this, and I would bet that she is. After all the rude things you have said to me and about me; to my friends and about my friends, I hope you have a fabulous life in your crusty old trailer with your TWO worthless degrees. Good riddance in 2006. You are certainly not welcome here, especially if you just visit to collect ammunition on why you don't like me or how I am not feminist enough for your tastes.

I feel it is appropriate to end this post with a "Booyakasha, respek!"


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