Don't Trash the 'Nati

Thursday, July 27, 2006

My mom is turning 50 in a week. I cannot believe how quickly her birthday rolls around.

Basically, here is my dillema: none of my gifts to her are ever appreciated. Nothing is good enough, nothing is ever used.

In the past, when I have asked my mom what she wants for her birthday she has said "some dirt for the garden." Honestly. My mom wants dirt. I've asked her what else, she says "new furniture for the living room." First, I can't afford that. Second, she has been saying that since before I was in HIGH SCHOOL. She doesn't want new furniture, because then she wouldn't have anything to complain about.

In the past my dad would buy my mom jewlery. She never wears it. He started buying her the random things she wanted (like scissors or scrapbooking supplies) but they end up sitting in the corner, never getting used. I think my dad started giving my mom cash for her birthday.

I've tried to be clever, in the past I've bought her a bird bath (it's sitting in the garage.) I bought her a Survivor "Buff"(she said she wanted one in like March and I remembered and everything!) but I've never seen her use it. My mom is the type to politely say, "thank you." then file away your gift in the giant piles of crap covering her home until it finally makes it's way to the garage sale pile.

I've done the gift certificate route but here are her problems:
1) She doesn't like to go out to eat.
2) She doesn't like to go to the movies.
3) She doesn't like anything.

Even if I bought her a gift certificate to Costco or Kohls (her favorite stores, gag me) she wouldn't ever use them.

My dad has done the flowers thing but then she gets all annoyed because it's a waste of money.

So should I even bother? I'll send her a card, but do I have to buy a gift, too?


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