Don't Trash the 'Nati

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Yesterday morning Todd brought Stella to the shelter to get spayed. I felt so guilty, just giving her to strangers for 30 hours. Keeping her locked up in a metal cage with no way of knowing if we would ever come back to get her. I'm going to pick her up after work today and I can't wait. While last night was very peaceful, I still missed her. She wasn't waiting for me by the door when I got home, she didn't attack my legs as I walked past her hiding spot under the coffee table.

I can't wait to get her home again. I threatened Todd that I was going to look at other kitties while I was at the shelter picking up Stella. He does not think it is funny to even think about another cat. But I know he loves Stella and misses her, too. It's not too hard to have two cats and I think that Stella needs a friend. She gets so lonely during the day.

My mom is working on a campaign to get us to hire a DJ for the wedding. Barf. She sent me a link to the website of quite possibly the cheesiest DJ in the metro Detroit area. I mean, they give you a free lightshow with every package. My mother doesn't know me at all if she thinks that a free lightshow is going to impress me. I mean smoke machine, maybe, but light shows, what a yawn. It's not just that I don't want to spend money on a DJ, I just DON'T WANT A DJ. Todd doesn't want one either, perhaps more so than me. Even if they were free, we wouldn't want one. Even if they were paying us for the privilege of working at our wedding...we wouldn't want one.


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