Don't Trash the 'Nati

Monday, August 29, 2005

I have an interview for Wednesday at a bank. Kim, working in a bank? I laugh at the absurdity.

I celebrare, I am going to make my famous Toffee Oatmeal cookies. (okay, okay, so they are technically Martha's cookies, but I can claim them as my own.)

Today's television viewing has been dominated by the story of Hurricane Katrina and this obnoxious train car that began leaking 22,000 tons of extremely flamible and potentially toxic chemicals into the air in Cinci. Granted, this is important, and it is important that the people in the area are able to evacuate, but really, do you need to inturrupt Judge Judy AND The Price is Right to tell me this. I get it, I get it, if I lived there, I would leave, and those who are living there and not evacuating are ASSES and deserve to be blown to smitherines.

Amy Wagner of Channel 5 news is officially on my shit list. He nasaly voice is (for lack of a better cliched analogy) like nails on a freaking chalkboard. If I had to spend time around that woman, I would seriously consider going on a murderous rampage to put myself out of the misery that is her voice. Help me out, I'm going to e-mail the news station asking them to limit her air time. Here is her bio with her e-mail least send her a mean e-mail or something to chase her out of town.


At 11:10 PM , Blogger Dana K said...

Nothing says unemployed like Judge Judy and The Price is Right! Are you enjoying all the commercials for truck driving schools and personal injury attorneys?


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