Don't Trash the 'Nati

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Todd's parents called 6 times yesterday. When I finally decided to pick up the phone, (I'm setting boundaries...I don't answer the phone before 10am...three of the calls came before 10am) I was somewhat mortified about what his mom had to say. Apparently, she called my mom...just to chat. She wanted to tell my mom that she went to visit us, we are doing fine. Then she said to my mom, "I know this isn't exactly the situation you would have hoped for, but I have never seen two kids who love each other more than Kim and Todd. Don't worry, when the timing is right, I know they are going to get married." Oh. My. God.

I am mortified.

My mom has not called me yet. I am afraid to pick up the phone.

I rented Quantum Leap on DVD. I didn't remember how sexist it is. Ewww. However, Scott Bakula has, like, the hairiest chest in the universe.


At 10:53 PM , Blogger Dana K said...

WHATTTTTTTTTTTT?????? You did not tell me that Todd's mom called Donna and said that to her!!! Shudder!!!! Good Lord, what an uncomfortable exchange that must have been!!!!!


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