Don't Trash the 'Nati

Monday, August 22, 2005

This week my job search is going much better than last week. I haven't cried yet! I returned the phone call to Premier manufacturing Support Services (don't ask me what that means or what they do...) and the job sounds much better than I expected. It is a human resources position and I would be traveling through their 23 state region 50 % of the time. (I really like the idea of travel, although, 50% of the time?!? Yeesh! They had better pay well.) He asked the salary expectation, and I high-balled it since I don't REALLY want this job, and I think I could probably ask for more. He said they will call back for an interview, and I think that would be great, even though I could care less about getting it. Perhaps that means it will go well because the last time I didn't want a job I interviewed for, I got it.

This weekend Todd's parents came to Cinci to visit with us. We went out to eat at good restaurants, saw an OMNIMAX movie, went browsing around shops, they bought us groceries and a bookcase from Target. It was nice to have company and talk to people besides Todd for a change. I didn't realize how lonely I am here until they left. Shit, now I'm crying again!

One of the things I realized is that Todd's parents are the complete opposite of my parents. While I complain that my parents are uninterested, self-involved, pessimistic and all around disappointing and unsupportive, his parents are on the other end of the spectrum. It is difficult to spend too much time with them because they want to be so helpful that I end up thinking that they want to plan my life for me. I guess there is no such thing as a perfect parent/child relationship.

I've been reading The Kite Runner all day for my book club, and it is quite a quick read. Sometimes it takes me a while to get into a book, but I find myself choosing reading this book over playing The Sims or watching TV. (That must mean it is a good book!) I think I will walk down to the library in a little bit, although I really don't need anymore books.


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