Don't Trash the 'Nati

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I went back to high school today, and I remember why I hated it so much. Why did I go to a high school you ask? Well, I was observing the Hamilton County Rape, Crisis and Abuse Center put on a presentation. One of the jobs I am interviewing for is the Community education team leader, (the other is volunteer coordinator) so they wanted me to see the current education team leader in action.

Afterward, the assistant director told me that she would call me later that day to talk about it...but she didn't. I'm actually glad that she didn't because I wouldn't have had much of a chance to think about what I observed and mull it over. I honestly think they are pretty desprate for somebody to take this position, as this guy is leaving, like tomorrow. I hate to talk about it too much, because I feel like I am jinxing myself, but I think I am going to get a job with them.

I hope she calls tomorrow! The waiting is the worst part! Although, I think she is going to talk to me about the presentation and then call me later with a job offer...that is, if I get a job offer. I'm just so anxious to hear one way or the other, but I know I will be seriously depressed if I don't get one of these jobs.


At 9:45 AM , Blogger Dana K said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!


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