Don't Trash the 'Nati

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Hurray hurray! What a great end to the Winter favorite Olympics. Apolo "dreamboat" Ohno won two more medals (Gold and Bronze) making his lifetime total 5 olympics medals - 2 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze. Okay, I know WAY too much about Apolo Ohno, like, for instance, we are both 5 feet 8 inches tall. Todd is beginnging to get jealous and has been rooting for Ahn, his Korean arch nemesis. Arrrg.

Kim, why do you like Apolo Ohno, you ask? Is it his soul patch? His bandana? His gold chain? His massive thigh muscles? No, dear friends, it is none of the above. I love Apolo Anton Ohno because he is so charismatic and thoughtful in his press interviews. He seems like such a happy person. I want to be his friend. Bode Miller, on the other hand - I hate him. Barf-a-rama. I have never been happier to see somebody fail. What an egotistical douche-bag! I hope Nike makes him re-pay them for the endorsement deal. Hyped up as the favorite to win 5 medals and he walks away with JACK SQUAT. HAHAHAHAHA!

Even the NBC Olympics anchorman made a snarky comment about him saying something along the lines of "Miller liked to say that he didn't like the press and all the hype and yet he made himself available to be on the cover of Newsweek and Time as well as acting as a spokesman for Nike campaigned for you to go to a website to learn how much Bode didn't care about the olympics. Well, Miller learned a lesson that if you say you don't care and you don't put in the effort soon nobody will care about you. You get what you put in and if you don't in any effort you will not succeed." This is not a direct quote, but it was super snarky and I loved it.


At 11:45 PM , Blogger Dana K said...

Oh, don't be coy, Kim. We all know you are a sucker for gold chains and bulging thigh muscles.....


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