Don't Trash the 'Nati

Sunday, May 28, 2006

This weekend Todd and I celebrated our negative one year wedding anniversary by sending in a deposit to a photographer and then going on a Salsa Cruise. We arrived at the docked party boat at about 10:30. After a brief encounter with a security guard (who took my pepper spray!) we boarded to boat. There was a live salsa band on the top floor and a lot of couples already dancing. We looked at each other with panic on our faces - there were a few couples that looked like they just got off the professional circuit. If we were going to make our way to the dance floor we were going to need to drink a lot. The cruise charged quite a bit for mediocre drinks, but what else in new? We were captive on the Ohio River.

We spent a good portion of the evening at the front of the boat a la "Titanic." It was actually really nice to look at the nightime lights of the city pass by. Here is a picture of us on the website doing what we did most of the evening...sit down:
Between the music and the sights we had a lovely time. At one point they decided to stop the music and offer some lessons to the people who had no clue what they were doing. We attempted to follow, but it was really hard. After that we danced a few songs, but we had to stop when we realized that I was just doing the polka step and Todd looked like he was hopping around like a bunny rabbit. We aren't very coordinated and Todd has no rhythm. He is going to be mad at me for saying it, but it's true!

(He tried and I love him anyway!)


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