Don't Trash the 'Nati

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I've had such a busy few weeks with work. We have just finished volunteer training today, so I can finally breath a sigh of relief. It was much easier than expected - I just had to get the ball rolling and it seemed to gain momentum on its own. Now I need to fire two of the new volunteers. I had a feeling they weren't right for our agency a while ago, so I've known this was coming. I feel awful about it, but I cannot imagine them going to speak to people on behalf of our agency.

How exactly does somebody fire an unpaid volunteer?

Since I moved to Cinci I have been an active member of a few message boards and these boards like to do exchanges. The most recent was a candy exchange. On friday I received a box filled with 4 pounds of candy from Australia. Most of it is unfamiliar and quite good. Todd and I have been having fun gorging ourselves with foreign candy. It's really fun to get packages, especially suprises.

Last weekend was Bockfest here in Cinci. The festival was kicked off by a parade led by a goat. I'm still not wild about beer, but it seems impossible to avoid beer festivals in Cincinnati. Here are some pictures:


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