Don't Trash the 'Nati

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Guess what!

I got accepted! I was placed in an Elementary School in St. Louis (my second choice city). I always thought of myself as a middle school teacher but I am welcoming the challenge.

I'll be in Los Angeles for training from July 1-August 4.

Hurray Hurray Hurray!

My head is spinning right now. I don't even know what to do next!

Monday, February 26, 2007

This weekend I finally got around to seeing season 2 of Project Runway and it was great! I rented it from the sucky blockbuster down the street, but they didn't have the final disc so I have yet to see the finale. I think I heard thay Chole wins, so it's already ruined for me. I've heard great things about season 2 and it lived up to all expectations. I think they needed more Tim Gunn - I remembered Season 1 seemed to have more Tim Gunn. I am also convinced that the producers kept Santino around just for ratings. He really really sucked - and HOW did he not get voted out on the last challenge with the gold pirate costume?!!?

I wonder if season 3 is out of DVD yet?

So...Oscars, yay! I thought Abigail Breslin was so adorable but Todd and I were betting on how many years before she is a drug addict. I think she'll be in rehab before she's 17.

I'm happy that Jennifer Hudson won - I'm such a sucker for those rags to riches stories. (Perhaps that is why I like the Olympics so much.) I worry that she'll be too typecast and won't ever be able to break out of the role she played in Dreamgirls. Alan Arkin's win was a pleasant surprise, Todd was pulling for Little Miss Sunshine in any category it was nominated for.

I'm annoyed that The Departed won for best picture, but to be fair, I don't really think any of the nominees should have won. They were all kind of unmemorable. (But I didn't even see them all, I just saw The Queen, Little Miss Sunshine and Letters From Iwo Jima.) I did enjoy Little Miss Sunshine, but we all know it had no chance. I guess I'm just sick of these gorey macho action/suspence movies. Seriously. Hollywood. STOP IT!

Let's see some women nominated for Best Director next year.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Red starburst candies are far superior to any other starburst flavor. For that reason, I propose that they begin selling packs of only red starbursts. I would buy it! The only thing that ruins my starbusrt eating experience is the yellow, pink and orange starbursts.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wow! I have the BEST news.

Apolo Anto Ohno is going to be on the next season of Dancing With The Stars! Now I don't have to wait until the 2010 Olympics to get my Apolo Ohno fix. I might just be motivated to actually vote this season. (I am a closeted Dancing with the Stars fan.)

Friday, February 16, 2007

I had another wedding nightmare last night. In this one, my mom had secretly hired a DJ. I didn't find out until it was too late. In my dream the DJ was playing "The Safety Dance." You know the one, "you can dance if you want to....but if you don't dance then you're no friend of mine." I'm SURE you know the song.

It was horrific.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I have a new favorite website - and I just know you are going to love it. Perhaps this is all old news, but it's called Cute Overload and, well, it's just that. I'll still be loyal to Stuff on my Cat, but this website opens the doors for all other species!

For instance:

Baby Polar Bears! OMG! How cute are they? You don't find that on Stuff on my cat. In other baby polar bear news, the Cincinnati zoo just introduced a new male polar bear into the exhibit in the hopes of mating him with one of the females. They seem to be hitting it off so we may be welcoming new baby polar bears at the Cincinnati zoo next year!

And, my favorite section of the website has to be the Interspecies Snorgling pictures, such as:

Kitty and skunky! OMG!

Monkey and Kitty! OMG!

Doggy and Chick! OMG!

I do have some tragic yet adorable news. The ice storm in the Cincinnati area has caused at least one death - a 9 year old girl. She was taking her little Bichon Frise doggy sleding in a homemade box sled when a tree branch covered in ice fell on her and she died. It is so sad, and the news showed a cure picture of her and the doggy in happier times. She sounds like she was a very sweet little girl who loved her dog very much.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

By this time today my TFA interview should be nearly over. Instead, I am still in my pyjamas. Why, you ask? Because the ice/snow storm last night closed the University where the interview was scheduled. (They called to tell me the interview was cancelled) I'm partially relieved because I didn't have to drive on the icy roads, but now I have this whole unknown factor. I am going to have to take another day off work, hopefully I can take the time off work for whenever they reschedule the interview.

Work was cancelled today but I had plans to take the day off anyway. I worked all day Saturday so I could have today off without using my time off. I told my boss I needed this day off weeks ago. And now I've gotten 3 phone calls from my boss and boss' boss asking for things they need before Thursday that I do not have access to. I asked them to send me e-mails and I would respond when I am back technically working.

They are working on a grant, and, call my crazy, shouldn't they have asked me more than 2 days before they need something from me. Forget my schedule! Now I have to rearrange everything around so I go through huge filing cabinets to collect the info that they need. And, of course, my boss' boss said "I didn't want to ask you last minute." I looked at her funny and said, but this is the last minute. I think that giving me 2 days is last minute when they have known about this report for an entire year.

AAAH! I am looking forward to getting out of this place!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Through the magic of the internet I was able to look up my wedding registry and imagine my surprise to learn that many items have already been purchased for me!!! We're getting a toaster! Whoohoo! I never thought I would be this excited about a toaster.

I've fallen ill for the second time in a month. The one bad thing about being sick is that walking to work in the below zero wind chills is not very much fun. I usually like the biting cold weather, but it hasn't been much fun this week. I am beginning to feel better, though.

I got a haircut tonight in preparation for my interview next week. I just want it to be over, I'm spending so much time fretting over it. I have to give a 5 minute lesson. After spending hours and hours I decided on a 7th grade lesson plan about the checks and balances of the American government. I think I have a good interactive activity. Now I just need to practice so I make sure I don't go over the 5 minutes!

Todd and I have been trying to determine where we should go on our honeymoon. We were really sold on Belize, but the resort we liked is a bit out of our price range. Now we are looking at the Mayan Riviera in Mexico or maybe even some kind of trip to Quebec. (Quebec City or Montreal or both.) I'm sure we will have a lovely time no matter where we go. It just feels like a big decision.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

It was requested that I update because SOMEBODY is sick of looking at my kitty pictures. I don't know WHO could possibly not like the pictures, probably a big JERK.

Does anybody have a remedy for chapped lips? I have the driest skin, and I feel like it's getting worse and worse on my lips. I know I should use chapstick, and I do, but I always forget to put it on. I think I might be dehydrated, too. So perhaps drinking more water will help.

When Todd and I were in Michigan this weekend I got to meet my baby cousin, Caroline and she is a cutey! She is so pretty and tiny and she just loved being held. It's sad that I'm so old and I live far away and I won't be able to see her, like, ever. My aunt had her wearing the little sweater I made for her, which I thought was a sweet touch.

Todd and I have decided that Denver is going to be my top choice for a Teach for America placement. Yay! I'm getting really excited and Todd is looking into grad programs there. I told my boss about the interviews and asked her to write me a letter of reccommendation. She did, and didn't act too wierd about it. I had a dream about the next interview. I can't remember if it went well or not.